
Monday, July 21, 2008

UGH! I Have Zero Patience

The proof copy of As The World Dies: The First Days is in the mail. But I want it in my hands-



I'm even dreaming about holding it in my hands. It is like giving birth and I just want to hold my baby.

I was very busy this weekend. There was the Mad Tea Party on Friday night at a friend's house. Everyone came out dressed as someone from Alice in Wonderland or in Victorian garb. The tables were overflowing with antique teapots filled with a variety of teas, tons of food, decorations, and teacups with cards attached to them with sayings from the book. It was gloriously fun and very inspiring.

Saturday we had some good friends over for dinner and later caught The Dark Knight's midnight showing. I cannot say enough good things about this movie. I loved it. It was amazing. Heath Ledger vanished into the role of The Joker and it was mindblowing. It was beyond words.

Sunday was supposed to be my catching up on my writing day...yeah..right. Allergy attack from hell hit. One of the drawbacks of living in Austin is the allergens that just kick your arse every which way. Today at work many people are suffering. If you don't have allergies and move to Austin, within a few years you develop them. It sux, but the city is so amazing, its worth it.

But I did work on Ken and Lenore's story. I know where its headed and how it ends. It's got a lot more excitement in it and some definite scary stuff. I didn't mean to slow down so much on the story, but I have a lot of irons on the fire right now.

Meanwhile, the story for the Baptist Encampment that people have been asking me about for ages finally took form in my head. I'm not sure exactly where it is going to show up or how long it will be, but I will finally fulfill the wish of quite a few fans and let them know what happened to the Baptist Encampment.

I'm here. I am writing. The book is coming. Appearances are being scheduled. Things are flowing.

I hope to have some new writing up for you tonight.

Keep your fingers crossed.

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