Megan Young, the beautiful model who posed for Lady Glynis, will be recording a video blog with me and signing bookmarks and postcard for THE TALE OF THE VAMPIRE BRIDE. If you would like a personalized autographed copy of either THE TALE OF THE VAMPIRE BRIDE or THE VENGEANCE OF THE VAMPIRE BRIDE with both of our signatures, please order them by 5:00 PM 2/9/13 by clicking here.
Also, we'd love to answer any of your questions about the series, so either email them to me at rhiannonfrater at or add them in comments.
Release Dates Announced
THE MIDNIGHT SPELL - February 28, 2013
AS THE WORLD DIES UNTOLD TALES VOL 3 - April or May, 2013 (exact date TBD)
Writing Project Update
PRETTY WHEN THEY COLLIDE has been revised. The test readers gave me all their awesome feedback and the story is better than ever. I am sending it to my editor Felicia Sullivan today. We're in the home stretch on this one.
I'm three chapters into Rune's Story in AS THE WORLD DIES UNTOLD TALES 3, and its fun writing about the biker/medium from SIEGE.
Recently Released Novels

Fighting to Survive came out in mass market paperback on January 29, 2013. It's available at your favorite online retailer or local bookstore (if you're in the US & Canada).
The difference between the mass market paperback and the trade paperback versions is the price and size. Since mass market paperbacks are a much smaller size they're cheaper. The trade paperbacks will continue to be on sale, too, so you have a choice of which format you'd prefer.
SIEGE will be out on April 30, 2013, so you can have a full collection very shortly!
Rhiannon Frater Book Store Reopens
You can order autographed copies of paperbacks, bookmarks, and purchase and download ebooks at my new online store located at It's been redesigned to make it a little easier to order. You can find it by clicking here.
Rhiannon Frater Newsletter Sign Up
The newsletter will have full news on everything I'm up to, discount codes, special offers, and maybe an occasional surprise. Sign up here to start receiving it.
That's all for now! I hope you have a great weekend!
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