
Saturday, October 11, 2008

Zombies Invade My Book Signing on Zombie Day--EEEEK!!!

Zombie Baby, the woman behind the Zombie Ball at Elysium.

Ah Zombie Juice...I love you so.

Zombie Christa holding her brand new copy of As The World Dies: The First Days. That's me at her side.

Cassandra, owner of Secret Oktober, and her husband, Ross. He has mad zombie love for her...and her maggoty cheek.

Me and Mary, co-owner of Secret Oktober.

EEK. Zombies!! The pretty zombie beauty queen was the genius behind the zombie makeovers today.

Me and the little zombie!! The hanging eyeball thing was huge with the kids today. This little guy had fun walking back and forth in front of the store scaring peeps.

Me and Zombie Baby's husband, a.ka. D.J. Void of Elysium.

Darling, you read the book...not eat it!!! *sigh* Zombies....

We had a sign in book for people to leave us their email for updates.

My husband hates having his picture taken. Here he is wearing the t-shirt he designed for As The World Dies: The First Days. It is nicely accessorized with the earphones from his PSP.

As the photos show, there was much fun to be had.

It was a FUN day!

Yay! Zombies!!


  1. I LOVE all these pics.

    Looks like you had a great time! And that hat is PIMPING!

  2. My pimping hat rules you! was great fun.



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