I woke up severely hungover at around 6am in the morning. I staggered to my purse, grabbed some Advil, and washed the pills down with water. I snuggled back into bed with the hubby and fell asleep right away.
Three hours later, I'm headache free and full of energy. I literally jumped out of bed raring to go. Friday was the first day of the official convention and I couldn't wait to set my table up and get into my new burgundy spiderweb dress I had bought from Secret Oktober (secret-oktober.com)
Dr. Pus was hosting a brunch for all the authors, so my husband and I headed down to the dining room. We ended up sitting with D.L. Snell (author of Roses of Blood on Barbwire Vines and my favorite story in a Cthulu Unbound) and Travis Adkins. It was a nice breakfast, but halfway through I lost all my energy and just wanted to lay down and go to sleep. I excused myself and told Doc that I was going to lay down.
"Still hungover, huh?" Dr. Pus teased me.
"No, I'm just so tired from not sleeping for over 30 hours," I told him.
"Not all that liquor you drank?"
Hehehe...it was like being quizzed by your dad!!
"No! I'm tired...very tired..." In fact, I was so tired, I almost fell asleep on my feet.
So the hubby and I crashed out for around 5 hours. I woke up, full of energy again, and hurried downstairs to set up my table. Steve, the producer showed up, and together we decorated my table and chatted. Rob Fox (author of the fabulous "Z Day is Here") was right next to me. Robert Best (author of "Lakewood Memorial") and his fabulous wife, Laura, were next to Rob and his wife Darcy. Across from me was the fabulous Dave Dunwoody (author of "Empire"). He's really very nice and so cute. Everyone ended up with a crush on THE Dunwoody. Catty corner to Dave was Scott Johnson, my fellow Texan (author of "Deadlands" and "City of Demons") and one of the funniest guys I've ever met. Stephen North and Eric S. Brown (authors of "Barren Earth") were across from Rob Fox and Robert Best. At the end of the row, Kody Boye (the 17 year old author behind "Sunrise") would occasionally make an appearance when not running off with friends, and Derek Goodman (author of "Apocalypse Shift") manned Doc's Zombology I and II tables. Derek sold out of his books either Friday or Saturday. I was bummed. I wanted a copy so bad!
So we had this corner of insanity in the big vendor room. Friday was very busy. I sold more books that day than the next two days. People were constantly coming by to chat and it was a blast. One of the best things about the convention was finding out that all the people I had talked to online were just as amazing in real life. It was so much fun, greeting people, catching up with the latest goings on, selling books, talking...etc. Just so much fun!
Edited to Add: One of my favorite moments was when Vic and Ben showed up with my zombie heels fixed!!! I was so excited! They were awesome to steal my shoes and fix them.
After the convention, the partying began. I changed my clothes and headed downstairs with the hubby. We ended up hanging out at the bar briefly with the notorious Vic (best buddy of short story author Patrick Rooney) and Tony Todd. Then we got sucked into a vortex of socializing. Room 711 was the base of Greg of Bravebluemice and the Funky Werepig show. It was packed with people, beer and cookies (Zombie Zak of the Funky Werepig Show was in there..he loves his cookies) and we hung out for awhile chatting and having fun.
Three hours later, I'm headache free and full of energy. I literally jumped out of bed raring to go. Friday was the first day of the official convention and I couldn't wait to set my table up and get into my new burgundy spiderweb dress I had bought from Secret Oktober (secret-oktober.com)
Dr. Pus was hosting a brunch for all the authors, so my husband and I headed down to the dining room. We ended up sitting with D.L. Snell (author of Roses of Blood on Barbwire Vines and my favorite story in a Cthulu Unbound) and Travis Adkins. It was a nice breakfast, but halfway through I lost all my energy and just wanted to lay down and go to sleep. I excused myself and told Doc that I was going to lay down.
"Still hungover, huh?" Dr. Pus teased me.
"No, I'm just so tired from not sleeping for over 30 hours," I told him.
"Not all that liquor you drank?"
Hehehe...it was like being quizzed by your dad!!
"No! I'm tired...very tired..." In fact, I was so tired, I almost fell asleep on my feet.
So the hubby and I crashed out for around 5 hours. I woke up, full of energy again, and hurried downstairs to set up my table. Steve, the producer showed up, and together we decorated my table and chatted. Rob Fox (author of the fabulous "Z Day is Here") was right next to me. Robert Best (author of "Lakewood Memorial") and his fabulous wife, Laura, were next to Rob and his wife Darcy. Across from me was the fabulous Dave Dunwoody (author of "Empire"). He's really very nice and so cute. Everyone ended up with a crush on THE Dunwoody. Catty corner to Dave was Scott Johnson, my fellow Texan (author of "Deadlands" and "City of Demons") and one of the funniest guys I've ever met. Stephen North and Eric S. Brown (authors of "Barren Earth") were across from Rob Fox and Robert Best. At the end of the row, Kody Boye (the 17 year old author behind "Sunrise") would occasionally make an appearance when not running off with friends, and Derek Goodman (author of "Apocalypse Shift") manned Doc's Zombology I and II tables. Derek sold out of his books either Friday or Saturday. I was bummed. I wanted a copy so bad!
So we had this corner of insanity in the big vendor room. Friday was very busy. I sold more books that day than the next two days. People were constantly coming by to chat and it was a blast. One of the best things about the convention was finding out that all the people I had talked to online were just as amazing in real life. It was so much fun, greeting people, catching up with the latest goings on, selling books, talking...etc. Just so much fun!
Edited to Add: One of my favorite moments was when Vic and Ben showed up with my zombie heels fixed!!! I was so excited! They were awesome to steal my shoes and fix them.
After the convention, the partying began. I changed my clothes and headed downstairs with the hubby. We ended up hanging out at the bar briefly with the notorious Vic (best buddy of short story author Patrick Rooney) and Tony Todd. Then we got sucked into a vortex of socializing. Room 711 was the base of Greg of Bravebluemice and the Funky Werepig show. It was packed with people, beer and cookies (Zombie Zak of the Funky Werepig Show was in there..he loves his cookies) and we hung out for awhile chatting and having fun.
Then we cruised downstairs and ended up on the "grassy knoll" on the side of the hotel with a ton of people. Dr. Pus was out there as was Darkwingmantis (moderator of the Library of the Living Dead Forum and author of short stories). Brad Zipprich (of Don't Look in the Podcast) and his wife, Tracey, Kody Boye, the Bests, April aka Zombiefarmer (of Don't Look in the Podcast), and tons of other people were chatting. We had a great conversation about the paranormal with Scott Johnson and his wife.
I had a lovely time and when we finally fell asleep, I couldn't wait for Saturday...
I had a lovely time and when we finally fell asleep, I couldn't wait for Saturday...
It was awesome wasn't it!! Can't wait till next year!
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to go to a convention like this one day!